We get it - you bought your home for the charm of its aged architecture and quaint aesthetics, but the chill of winter always hits you hard and even the most advanced indoor heating system won't be nearly efficient enough to stop the waste. Luckily, there are plenty of ways homeowners can improve their old home's energy efficiency and reduce energy usage without extensive remodeling or upgrades. Here's how:
Tape Up Your Windows
Despite the subpar appearance, the best short-term solution to leaky windows and doors is to seal them up with tape or insulation to prevent heated air from escaping. If you're unsure as to the integrity of your windows' seals, holding a match or candle up to the edges will give you a good idea - the smoke from the flames will escape through cracks if the seal has failed.
Get Smart About Your Thermostat
Plenty of great tools and gadgets exist to bring your old thermostat into the 21st century, but there's no beating Nest in the energy-efficiency department. No matter how drafty your home, Nest will automatically adjust itself to accommodate your family's daily schedule and ensure your home is utilizing its energy to the best of its ability.
Seal Off Storage Areas
Every home has unused or seasonal storage areas that may be heated or unheated year-round, but if you have a section of your home that you don't plan to use until spring, you should seal it off with plastic or insulation paneling to keep generated energy in your living areas rather than escaping to a cold, dark room.
Get a Maintenance Check
We can't stress this enough - no matter your heating system or solution, you owe it to your family and your wallet to order a routine maintenance check of your heating system. Your plumbing, heating, and hot water heaters all work together to provide your home with reliable energy sources, but they can also work against you if left unchecked and in disrepair.
To schedule a heating system checkup with a professional, local resource, contact Pioneer Plumbing and Heating. Our talented team of plumbing and heating experts can provide detailed analysis of your home's energy and plumbing systems and make recommendations based on your needs and your budget. Don't let another chilly winter take advantage of your wallet - contact us today!
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